Sunday, August 5, 2012

All the ladies in the house

This evening, we headed outside for some portrait shots.  I wanted to show off my new hair-do.  But the girls needed photos, too.

Katie gave herself bangs a few weeks ago.  I think they work surprisingly well.

Winslow is very good at the angelic look.   That hair.  Oh, that hair.

 I, on the other hand, am genetically predisposed to goofy photos.

Amidst the tomato vines.  You know, all artsy-fartsy like.
I have three looks.  This one is "Talking".

Zoolander, eat your heart out.
I call this look "Hooching".

(Like my fun stripe?  And thanks to Katie Bel for letting me borrow her favorite sunglasses)

I've decided to wear sunglasses all the time. Makes me look awesomer.
And finally, "I shmell shomething."

I'm looking for representation so I can enter the modeling world. These looks will sell makeup and clothes, I tell you!!

**Many thanks to Chelsea over at Chop Tops in Westport for taking my hair to the next level. **


  1. You ALL look good! Thanks for sharing. (And how I wish I were as good at photography as you are.)

  2. I love your fire-red locks!! So pretty and bold! and your girls precious curls to freaking die for, and Katie's bangs I too diy bangs when I was young, but my hair was frizzy and stood straight up! lol

  3. The hair on your child is amazing! And I like your stripe.

  4. You all 3 look fantastic!!!! Love the DIY bangs, the angle baby and your awesome stripe :)

  5. Winslow's hair is to die for! You are all gorgeous. And, I love the new stripe in your hair. So spunky and fun! If I had any hair, I'd do that too! Any day now, I'm going to make mine pink. Yes, I am.


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